
Working with Media


Media is definitely an integral part of your content. That is why Nimvio has made it easy to set up and manage. Before working with media, you have to make sure that the media you are going to use meets Nimvio accepted format and file size. Once uploaded, media will be stored as your assets and ready for use while creating content. You can also create a categorization with the folder system so that it can be more convenient to navigate.

In this guide, you will learn how to work with your media in Nimvio. It starts from uploading, organizing to publishing your media. All you need is provided within the following step-by-step guide.


Upload and Download Media

Upload a media to add it to your asset. Once uploaded, you can download it anytime. Follow these steps to upload and download a media.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Media tab.


2. Click on the +Add Media button.

3. You can simply drag and drop the media or click on the Browse File button to select a media. You can also perform bulk upload by selecting more than one media at once.


4. After uploading a media, you can click on Upload More to upload another media.


5. Click on the Done button if you have uploaded everything you need.

6. You have successfully uploaded a media. Now it will appear in your media list. To download your media, you can click on the Download icon button on the media list.



Edit Media Metadata

Each media type has its own metadata. Follow these steps to edit media metadata.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Media tab.


2. Click on a Pencil icon button on the media list.

3. Enter the necessary information in the respective fields. Click on the Save button located at the bottom of the UI to save your changes.


4. You have successfully edited media metadata.


Create Media Folder

A media folder can help you to organize your media. Follow these steps to create a media folder.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Media tab.


2. Change to grid-view mode by selecting the Grid icon option on the left menu bar. You will see your media arranged in grid form.


3. Click on the New Folder button above the grids.

4. Enter the folder name, then click on Create button.


5. You have successfully created a media folder.


Move Media or Media Folder

Follow these steps to move a media or media folder.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Media tab.


2. Change to grid-view mode by selecting the Grid icon option on the left menu bar. You will see your media arranged in grid form.

3. Click on the Kebab menu of a media or media folder grid, then select the Move You can first check some media if you want to perform a bulk move.


4. Select a location where the media or media folder will be moved, then click on the Move button.


5. You have successfully moved a media or media folder.


Rename Media or Media Folder

Follow these steps to rename a media or media folder.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Media tab.


2. Change to grid-view mode by selecting the Grid icon option on the left menu bar. You will see your media arranged in grid form.

3. Click on the Kebab menu of a media or media folder grid, then select Rename option.


4. Enter the new name for the media or media folder, then click on the Rename button.


5. You have successfully renamed a media or media folder.


Delete Media or Media Folder

Follow these steps to delete a media or media folder.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Media tab.


2. Change to grid-view mode by selecting the Grid icon option on the left menu bar. You will see your media arranged in grid form.

3. Click on the Kebab menu of a media or media folder grid, then select the Delete You can first check some media if you want to perform bulk delete.


4. On the following confirmation dialog, click on the Delete button.


5. The media or media folder will be successfully deleted unless it is being used by certain content. In that case, you need to delete the respective content first or unlink the media.


Publish Media

Follow these steps to publish a media.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Media tab.


2. Click on a Pencil icon button on the media list.

3. Make sure your media is ready to publish, then click on Save & Publish button located at the bottom of UI.


4. You have successfully published a media. The status of media now changed to Published. The media now also appears in the content delivery API and ready to deploy with the help of the Developer.


Change Published Media

Just like content, you can still make changes to a media even after it is published. However, the published media will not be affected until you re-publish the new edited media. Follow these steps to change a published media.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Media tab.


2. Click on the Pencil icon button of the published media on the media list.

3. You can edit the media metadata in the respective fields as to your need. Click on the Save button to save your changes. The status of content now changed from Published to Changed. Upon changed, you can publish the media again to update the previously published media.


4. You have successfully changed a published media.


Unpublish Media

You can also take out the media from the content delivery API by unpublishing it. Follow these steps to unpublish a media.

1. On your Project Dashboard, switch to the Media tab.


2. Click on the Pencil icon button of the published media on the media list.

3. Click on the Unpublish button located at the bottom of UI.


4. You have successfully unpublished a media. The status of media now changed from Published to Unpublished. The media now also disappears from the content delivery API.


Link Media to Content

Follow these steps to link a media to content.

1. Create a content template with a media field in it.

2. When creating content with the above template, click on the Media field you have created.


3. Choose a media from your media asset, then click on the Select Click on the Save button located at the bottom of the UI.


4. You have successfully linked media to content.


What is Next?

Congratulations! You have finished the guide. Keep exploring below: